
Our Services

Why Choose Us

How is Career Access Africa different?

Member of Career Development Association of Kenya (CDAK). CDAK is the professional body of career guidance practitioners in Kenya whose members are allowed to provide career advisory services to youth in schools, communities and private sectors

Career Guidance/Guest Speaker Series

Choosing a career is always a difficult task for high school graduates. Therefore, career counseling is very important for students who want to attend a higher education institution. Guest speaker series exposes students to people from various professionals hence a wide knowledge on career choice.

Admission guidance

We carefully examine the student application documentations and make recommendation on the suitable university through the CAA Application platform.

Entry Exams

Career Access Africa prepares students for SAT and TOEFL tests, IELTS tests, and DUOLINGO that are required for Language and merit-based admission to various universities.

Entry Visa guidance

Career Access Africa will lias with immigration lawyers to provide visa services to students intending to study abroad.

Securing Scholarships

Career Access Africa will help the student to ide have a good Identify both partial and fully funded scholarships available in various universities, through the CAA applications platform.

Extracurricular Preparation

Career Access Africa works with schools to support students to start extra-curricular activities and engage in community services that will get them an edge in student admissions and scholarships.

Career Fair Planning

CAA Collaborates with local and international institutions to plan for mega career fairs

College Essay Writing

CAA Collaborates with career counseling and English department to work on the development and implementation of essay writing skills; guiding students in crafting compelling college admission essays